
‘She didn’t see me at all, she was a diva’, Eduarti tells about his acquaintance with Arbana

Eduart Grishaj was invited today in the “Gallery” column in “E diell”, where in front of Edi Manushi he confessed a lot about his life. Edi also focused on the relationship with Arbana and their acquaintance.

The first meeting between Ed and Arbana was when Eduarti was assigned to shoot in the show “1000 e 1 pse” directed by Arbana.

“In 2010, they told me that you would shoot in “1000 e 1 pse”, Arbana Osmani presents. Arbana was a TV diva ever since. She didn’t see me at all”, said Eduarti.

'She didn't see me at all, she was a diva', Eduarti tells about